The Marc Bulger Foundation
The Marc Bulger Foundation was established in 2007 by former Mountaineer and Ram great Marc Bulger. His initial donation of $1.342 million was ranked #17 among Parade Magazine’s Top 30 celebrity donors for that year.
Over the last 11 years, TMBF has benefitted men and women in uniform and children in life threatening situations in a wide variety of ways. Marc’s vision was to not limit the scope of areas for the foundation to help. Operation Underground Railroad (rescuing children from sex trafficking), endowing scholarship at WVU for children of those serving, The Focus Marine Foundation, St. Louis USO renovation, and funding for fallen officers and soldiers funerals are just a few examples of how TMBF has made a difference.
Our Mission
The Marc Bulger Foundation’s mission is to find innovative ways to create awareness and provide funding to a diverse range of programs designed to benefit our courageous men and women in uniform, as well as those courageous children battling life-threatening conditions.
Our Objective
The Marc Bulger Foundation's main objective is to provide support, encouragement, and comfort to our service members, as well as children facing adversity by working with related organizations and creating necessary initiatives for awareness and funding.